Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope that your day is filled with love, kisses and chocolate {and diamonds???} Here are some pics from my table to yours…
Had to add the picture of our names carved on a bridge in Paris! This picture is a gift my husband gave me one year for Christmas

Absolutely LOVE how you decorated your chandelier!!! Looks like there was a Sugar High Danger Zone on your dining table. 🙂
Thoughts on Design recently posted..How Sally and I spent Valentines Day Evening…
Hi John – thanks. Yes – there was a sugar high on my table…and now I have to hit the gym!!!
How was the snow in your area? Heard that Boston really got socked. We did too – 21 inches but I heard you may have had around 37 inches. Hope all is well.
Belated happy valentines Linda! Love is in the air with how you decorate your dining room with red and pink pieces. The flowers you add up makes the chandelier looks awesome.
Ian Ace recently posted..Mind blowing furniture designs from Estonian Designer
Hi Ian…
Thanks so much for your comment. Yes – I want to keep those pompoms up there forever on the chandelier! It makes it so festive! Happy belated Valentine’s Day to you as well!