Tag Archives: being grateful

Giving Thanks and Setting Family Goals

 Thanksgiving – a Time for Reflection and Spending More Time with My Family

collage of autumn leaves

Thanksgiving always gives me time to think and reflect on what I am grateful for – mostly things that I forget about and take for granted all year long. As the leaves fall off the trees and we get ready for the barren months ahead, I want to fill up that time with warm memories of my family and how much I am so thankful that I have a large and wonderful one. Sometimes I have been guilty of working a bit too much and not taking time out to revel in the joys and simple pleasures of just hanging out with my husband, daughters, my grandchildren, my stepkids, siblings, cousins and nieces and nephews. I want to remember how happy I am when I am with them – that it trumps everything else. (more…)

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