Tag Archives: prayer

The World is Praying for You


woman with head bowed in prayer

…to let you know that the world is praying for you

Since the tragedy in Newtown CT, I’ve had a hard time focusing and working. So, instead of doing the Color Roundup today, I just wanted to take some time here on the blog to honor the victims and to pray for the families. I cannot imagine the depth of the parents’ grief and I pray that they can somehow get through this horrible time.

I hope that this sends a big message to our lawmakers.  We need to stop gun violence and the only way to do that is to be more strict with our current gun laws. We need to limit the sale of assault weapons and we should have stricter adherence to background checks (including checks on those who buy ammunition).  Guns should be taken away from anyone who is being treated for psychological problems…and now we should add taking away guns from people whose family members have psychological problems. Don’t know how you could enforce this but it would have helped save those 20 youngsters and the 7 adults killed recently by Adam Lanza.

George Fetting photography

So, to the families who are grieving so badly now, know that we are all praying for you and thinking of you and wishing that there could be some way to mend your broken hearts.

God Bless you…

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