I have no idea why I love hats so much. Maybe it’s because my generation didn’t wear them and I wanted to…badly. In the 80s I remember being very jealous of women who openly wore hats. I would buy lots of hats – but I only had the nerve to go out in public with them ever so often. I was always afraid of getting too much attention (or snickering – it could go either way!). But I kept buying hats – and although I didn’t wear them all that often, I started putting them on my walls as decoration.
I just love the texture, the colors, the lace, the netting…the feathers! It’s really the ultimate in adornment! Birds get to show off and attract mates with their colors…I guess women did the same with hats. And now…hats really look great as adornment for just about any space.
Putting hats on the walls adds wonderful texture and it adds to the story of your room – it bolsters the theme.
Something I’ve seen a lot of lately are the JuJu Hats from Cameroon as wall decorations. These are really beautiful,
I’ve seen these JuJu hats for over $600 a piece – but I did find a source, African Art, for $319-$349.
From African Art
If you love these JuJu hats as I do, but your bank account can’t take the hit (like mine), you might want to make one or two for yourself – for very little cash outlay.
Thanks to Rosa Pearson Design on her blog, Flutter, Flutter, she has a fantastic tutorial on how to make them, inexpensively. You can find the how-to here. Thanks Rosa – I am going to make a few. I love them!
So, remember to take those hats out of storage and from the depths of your closet – and start decorating with them. You will love the results!!
Image credits:1) Here’s Looking at Me Kid via decor8; 2 through 8) Shelterness; 9 through 14) Susie from Design Shuffle via Crisp Interiors

Heey Linda,
I will thank you for your lovely message on my blog!
It's great you wil be grandma to like me..ohhh, this time is so special isn't it?
Your post is beautiful!
I love your blog so much!
When you will visit my country,
you are welcome in my house..
Please be welcome…
Love from Marijke from Holland,
Thanks for linking up to my juju hat tutorial! Cheers! Rosa